Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Christmas Giraffe/ Home

Lots of houses in my new neighborhood are decorated for Christmas. This light-up giraffe is my favorite decoration so far.

I'm working on my Christmas cards this weekend. 
I need to start a new address book--my old one is full of crossed out addresses. I feel melancholy paging past aunties and uncles dead and gone. But most of the x'ed-out friends are former friends for a reason.

Since Facebook, like lots of people, I've been in contact with friends from the past I'd lost touch with. After a quick flare of interest––"Where've you been all these years?!?!"––usually those connections have flickered out.
The ones that existed in the first place because of circumstances, not mutual love, anyway. 

Those reconnections can be fun, however long they last. 
Recently a man contacted me (through this blog, actually) whose mother used to date my father. Last time this man and I saw each other was forty-some years ago, when I was eighteen and he was ten. 
Now he's working in outer space! Well, not exactly, but he's in space research--how cool is that?

Other reconnections are painful. 
I'd mentioned last year [here] that Mary, the love of my mother's life, had contacted me on FB. It'd also been about forty years since we'd seen each other. 
At first it was wonderful to revisit the past with her--it was like one of those dreams where you see someone you loved who is now dead. 

Then I started to have bad dreams. Some of the bad things stirred up had come from Mary, but she couldn't/wouldn't admit that. My subconscious just wasn't having it, so with some regret, I said good-bye.
Still, I'm glad we talked.

It's the season to socialize, and I'm having a housewarming Solstice bonfire here in a couple Sundays. (If you're in town, come!)

At Solstice, I'll have been living here about four months––one-quarter of a year. 
It's going well (spores notwithstanding). Living with a housemate is an ongoing adjustment, but I LOVE the neighborhood––light-up giraffes! 

Sometimes I strongly want to go home. It's weird that I have no other home. But I do have people. Last week I spent a night at bink's, and last night I slept over at Marz's. 

Both times I came away feeling at home in the world.


  1. Always glad to be home for you.

  2. Love the giraffe! I totally get what you mean about Facebook.
