Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Social Media

I'm beginning to take up working my new 4 hours/week doing more social media for the thrift store.
I already post on our FB almost daily:

Big Boss wants to see more posts about What We Do--what our customers are supporting when they shop at the thrift stores.
I do too.
There's a ton of stuff we do that I don't even know about--supplying free winter coats to parishes, for instance. I can't post about it if I don't know about it--that's going to be the biggest challenge--getting in the loop.
Because there is no loop.
Or, the loop is closed: we are spinning our wheels.

The society as a whole suffers from a lack of communication--one hand does not know what the other is doing. This lack keeps us functioning at a low level.

This isn't all bad--there's a lot of the personal touch--but if we could get more traction, we could do a lot more of what we want to do––feed the hungry, build a more just world (that's literally in our mission statement, which says we are
“A network of friends, inspired by Gospel values [feed the hungry, clothe the naked], growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need."
Next up: starting an Instagram for the store--I need our password from Big Boss, who has not got it... (He will create a new one.)
It's like that.

Lots to do. Lots to think on.

Now I am going to bundle up to go catch the bus in the cold: only 1ºF!

1 comment:

  1. It's surprising how hard it is to "get in the loop." I often feel I have the same problem in the library, and I only have four immediate co-workers!
