Friday, December 13, 2019

Fiat Lux: Santa Lucia

[One of my all-time favorite toy creations, from 2017]

For Saint Lucy's Day today, December 13, "the year's deep midnight..."
"I am every dead thing,
         In whom Love wrought new alchemy."  
("A Noctural upon St. Lucy's Day", by John Donne)

Bear by me, after "Saint Lucy" painting by Francesco del Cossa (b. Ferrara, Italy), c. 1473, National Gallery, London, UK:

P.S. The round box on Lucy Bear's chest is the broken squeeze-box I discovered un-stuffing the bear. 

Other toy re-creations of art/images: "toy tableaux".


  1. Love the eye/flowers! Brilliant! Please show us how this one turns out post-restoration. :)

  2. Ah, yes, Lucy Bear will be a challenge--her joints are held in place by heavy-duty, rusted cotter pins.
    But one day I shall tackle them...
