Tuesday, October 1, 2019

One month on

One month ago I was moving. Here's one of my four loads outside my old place.
I packed mostly in reusable grocery bags instead of boxes--the bags were easier and lighter (because smaller) to carry, and since most of my helpers were near sixty, on one side or another, that was good.
And now I'm packing again––to go Astro sitting while bink & Maura go to Greece for their twentieth anniversary. 
I'm more than happy to help out, but it's a bit hard to be dislocated again when I'm still not settled in here at my new place.
Ah well. It's temporary, like everything.

I went exploring my new neighborhood a little further afield on Sunday. Biked over to the grain elevators---I'd never been right up close to them, but Penny Cooper wanted to measure herself against them.
They won for size.

They have beautiful textures--I'll be back.

Then I biked on to a second-run movie theater a mile away and arrived just as Maiden was starting--the doc about the first all-women crew to sail the around-the-world yacht race (in 1989).

I loved it! Not so much as an underdog story about my people (women, not idlers), though that too, but for the footage of sailing on the deep ocean--especially the terrifying southern ocean, by Antarctica. A crew-member of a different yacht died on that leg. 
A couple of the women talking thirty years later about sailing that dangerous sea  got starry eyed about how much they loved it.


  1. Monumental grain elevators!!

  2. So are the grain elevators still in use?

    Grain elevators are interesting places: the grain that goes into it has to be the right moisture or it will mold. Too dry and one loses money as more is needed to be a bushel. They can also be dangerous places if lots of dust and sparks.

    Hey, I put my Master's degree (Grain Science) to use today! And I do know how to mill grain.


  3. I look forward to more shots of the massive grain elevators! It's got to be weird to try to settle in to a new place and then be pulled away.

  4. I see why Penny Cooper feels tall. She, like the elevators, is monumental.
