Thursday, October 10, 2019

Penny Cooper's Glasses

It's my day off, and what a relief it was to wake up knowing I only have two weeks of cashiering left. It's like the relief when you've been ill and you feel the illness lifting.

This morning I made Penny Cooper the eyeglasses she's been asking for ––"I can't see the chalkboard!"

After Red Hair Girl hit the road, I missed her a lot--even after two good-bye ceremonies. It felt a bit excessive; I wasn't sure what was going on... until it came to me:
I felt I'd lost her, but Red Hair Girl is part of me. Part of her is traveling on, but I can't lose her.

I found her original wraps––made from cloth Orange Crate Art sent a couple years ago ( Red Bear had opened the package)––and I wrapped a strip on my phone bag's strap.
Penny Cooper says, 
"I can see very well. This is my best friend's."

And here's Red Hair Girl in her wraps with bink two years ago, October 2017, when RHG was the only girlette.

(bink and Maura are in Greece for another week. I'm house & dog sitting till they get back.)

Trump is in town tonight. There's going to be a HUGE protest--too big for me and the girlettes. I'm staying home and making ratatouille with veg from the farmers market.


  1. I’m glad that Penny Cooper was willing to admit that she needed help to see the chalkboard. She may already know that her glasses look a lot like those worn by one of Davey’s friends in Davey and Goliath. In other words, pretty stylin’.

    It’s neat to see that fabric live on. I have a piece of it tied around the handle of my suitcase for easy i.d.

  2. I imagine RHG is doing lots of hanging upside down and acrobatic tricks wherever she is on her journey.
