Tuesday, September 24, 2019

This Is History

"This is history, man!" 
--one teenage American boy to another at the ruins of Pompeii,
overheard by me

bink picked me up to go grocery shopping at 2 p.m., after my cashier shift.
When I got in the car she was listening to the radio report on the UK's supreme court shooting down Boris Johnson's attempt to shut parliament.

When I got home from the grocery store, I looked at the Guardian to read up on that story. The top story of the hour, however, was that Nancy Pelosi has announced an official impeachment inquiry.

I have barely looked at the news since I moved Sept. 1. I see the Guardian has a new banner [above]. I like it.

I also like Greta Thunberg's new Twitter bio, using Trump's words, "a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future".  Ha!


  1. Our respective politics vying for direness...but hope on both sides of the Pond, if small

  2. I have lived most of my life on the slenderest threads of hope, and I am still here.

    Hope is, indeed, power.

  3. CROW: A slender thread can be strong, like a spider's. . . Hey, Charlotte's Web!
