Wednesday, September 25, 2019

20 min. to blog

An hour ago I thought, oh good--I have a free hour to blog. Then I spent half of that futzing with posting on the store's Facebook page the Guardians new (to me) banner: 
"Change is possible. Hope is power."
It didn't fit, so I had to cut it in half and paste each half onto a wider background. Ergh. But, it's up. So now I have 20 minutes till I have to leave for work.
. . . That's something!

No one oversees what I do at work or on the store's FB.
I set up a Banned Books Week display on Monday, with what books we had on hand. I doubt my bosses notice, or know what it is.

Luckily [cough cough] so many books have been banned by some institution, I could round up a decent bunch.
I also printed the ALA list of Banned & Challenged Classics, which says who banned each book, and why. I hung it alongside the display in plastic sleeves.

We do what we can, eh?
Patti and I were talking about hope and despair last night. 

Patti is near despair about the man she's trying to help--he was seized by ICE in Nov. 2017 and has been held ever since, with no charges.
The only reason he wasn't been deported immediately is Patti got her Vincentian group at church to sponsor him--which mostly means $$$ for legal fees, etc.

Meanwhile, without his income, his US-born wife and children have had to go on public assistance. 

It's crazy in a hundred different directions.

Anyway, she was feeling hopeless--not considering giving up, but her mood is ground down--so I thought it might cheer her up to remember that Dietrich Bonhoeffer FAILED.
It sorta did. Or gave a little perspective.

What keeps us going on, working for good as we see it? 
It can't be winning. Winning is not guaranteed. Or not immediate, that's for sure.  
Jane Addams too--she and others worked for fifty years to gain votes for women, with little success along the way.

What's the fuel for our journey?
That's important.

For me, Books.
I had a sexy dream the other night --the object of desire was, I kid you not, a pile of books!

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