Saturday, September 14, 2019

They went to sea in a sieve.

In my continuing & mystifying efforts to create an IKEAish room [?!?!], yesterday I bought a generic wrapped-canvas seascape print for three dollars at the thrift store. Unrelated, I also bought a strainer.

The girls love this! And so do I.

Also pairs nicely with my IKEA curtains!

I'm not sure what's going on with me and all this waffle beigeness. 
I think it's some kind of palate cleanser.


  1. The colors are soothing and calming, like a beach vacation. Your spirit might be yearning for all three.

    The vignette you made with your purchases and the girls is clever and a delight to see!

  2. It sets off your new picture instead of overwhelming it!
