Thursday, September 5, 2019

Send Us Mail!

New mailbox (from the thrift store). But it's empty. . .


  1. What are the names of the Orphans still at home? I'd like to send each of them a card. I remember when I was young (around 12yo) what a joy it was to receive a note from someone, especially from my Aunt Bo, who had three sons, but no daughter. What are their interests?

  2. Good grief! I write as if they are living beings. How easy is the "willing suspension of disbelief" when caught up in a fun idea or project!

  3. They are living beings!
    Heh, heh, well... not exactly, not so they need individual cards, anyway, but I love your impulse.

    I posted a photo of all eight today. Loved having an excuse to do that. :)
