Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Moved (Again, Still)

I was envious that Mz's new place is move-in ready. It's a studio, but, nicely, the bathroom and kitchen are in separate rooms. 
In the window--Penny Cooper is staying for a while--she and the Cat like to look out at the new scene.

Then we cleaned my old place.
Half the apartment was an enclosed porch, with low ceilings and leaky windows that froze in the winter. 
But the light was great!
I still have to go back One More Time, to pick up my mattress and a chair.

Patti did the first layer of plastering in my new room--it needs a second go, and sanding--then I'll paint.

Now I'm off to work for the first time in ten days. I feel like one of the kids going back to school today.
Next time I take off work, I'm going to schedule FB postings beforehand. Other people have posted a few. I wish they hadn't... but it's a good reminder it's not MY Facebook.