Thursday, September 19, 2019

Food, Mood, and Woo-sah

I lost my temper when a coworker was late to replace me at the cash register a couple days ago.
I apologized immediately. 

"Are you hungry?" my coworker asked.

I was. 
Besides the hundred usual stressors at the store, I hadn't eaten all day, and it was 2 p.m. I also hadn't taken the CBD oil I usually take before a cashiering shift due to the hundred predictable stressors, plus the ten unpredictable ones.

The next morning I made myself eat a can of tuna fish, took my CBD, and was a sweetheart all day.

The next day I ate breakfast but decided not take the CBD. It helps, but it's expensive, and ideally, I should be able to calm myself without it.
Mz meditates and we were talking about how useful Zen would be in the stresses of the hood. But the Zen center she does to is full of white suburbanites who go trekking in Nepal. A hard sell to anyone.

Before I started work I was walking around the store, and Mr Furniture said, "Are you doing woosah?"

I asked him what that was. "Just relaxing before you start your day."

Ha! Zen is already in the hood.
The phrase comes from Bad Boys 2. I said it all day when something annoyed me, and it worked--provided that crucial bit of space between annoyance and reaction.


  1. Never work hungry! I've tried CBD oil as well and even at a once a day low dose it is good. The cost of it is exorbitant here too...£25 for the weakest 100ml we use hemp oil on our food, a small teaspoonful on every meal. It helps. Fewer creaks from the arthriticy bits and a slight easing of mood.

  2. Hemp oil, eh? I must look into that.
