Thursday, September 19, 2019


Slowly I am getting back to booking--reading in the evenings and putting extra effort in at work to make the BOOK'S fun.

I found a brooch that looks like a punctuation mark to wear on my apron with my "bookish" pin, to begin with. It should be reversed to be an apostrophe, but the sparkles are on this side:

The broken glass on the display case was finally replaced, so I can put expensive books out again. I'd mentioned the book with the Julia Child signature a while ago. I priced it $100. 
Ditto the first US edition of Hitchhiker's Guide, which arrived in a bag of otherwise undistinguished pop fiction. I like when my spidey sense catches something like that. The accordion fold Chinese book is obvious, this was not.

Putting up a poster of Al Pacino as Scarface behind the door to the BOOK's room gave me a lot of pleasure.
He's looking at the Cookbooks & Food section. "toast it!"

I guess it pleased me because customers won't see the poster unless they walk around the door to look at books--so Big Boss, for instance, who doesn't browse in Book's might never see it.

I showed my "It's Never Six O'Clock" coworker, and he reacted just as I'd hoped---with a string of quotes from the movie.
"Say hello to my little friend."

I've actually never seen the movie, but I've heard the quotes.
Guys love this movie, or some guys do anyway, same as some guys love The Godfather.

I'm like Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail when Tom Hanks tells her to "go to the mattresses".

I so, so wish You've Got Mail weren't about a woman who forgives the guy who guts her indie bookstore––
"Oh, that's OK; now I can write children's books!"––
because it's got some great stuff in it:


  1. You have so much enjoyment in the book section!!
    Has your postcard arrived? I do hope the address was correct.

  2. THANK YOU, GZ: the wonderful postcard arrived--a cattle with red hair, almost like the girlettes'! I feel more at home everytime I get mail, or go out for a walk in the neighborhood---all those physical things that help you feel in place.

  3. Oh! There's Scarface! Reading backwards can create confusion.

  4. BINK: I thought of linking backward on that later post, but it was too much work. :)
