Monday, July 1, 2019

Peep In

I've been posting more photos of books (especially) on my Instagram, and only on my IG.
Yesterday Julia said that Google doesn't search Instagram.

(Is that right? It never turns up when I search--unlike Pinterest, etc.)
I don't like that.

My time on the iPhone–only for a week showed me how out-of-sight blogs are these days. Still, my blog gets a few thousand visits from strangers every month.
I like knowing that someone in Ukraine landed on my blog--often it's Star Trek related, but who knows? (I don't use a sophisticated stat counter.)

So I'm going to post everything here as well. 

Sidling Up and Peeping In

I love the instructions on the cover of this old children's book:
I've been feeling possibilities lately, but I can also feel panicked at how many possibilities there are--sooooo many moving parts!

So I am doing this: peeping in.
Yesterday after our usual Sunday coffee, I asked bink to drive me around a neighborhood I like, just looking at apartment buildings from the car. 

Vintage children's book, Good Times, Catherine T. Hardy, Rose Lees Bryce (Author), Maginel Wright Barney et al. (Illustrator),  Newson & Co., New York, 1927.


  1. That Good Times cover would be perfect for a journal. I love books from that era--the drawings for children are always so charming.
