Monday, July 15, 2019

Everything at Once!

What a whirl!!!
When things come together, sometimes it's all at once.

Saturday morning, I went into work and they asked if I'd like 12 more hours, working the cash register.

I'd RATHER cashier than do more social media, etc---I love working front of house and meeting more customers, seeing what people buy.

It runs the gamut:
A local sex-worker (the store is in an area with a lot of street business) bought a bag of broken jewelry to make her own (I think she sells them--I told her to bring some in), and another woman bought a copy of Stendahl and a vintage Paris ash tray, "for Bastille Day", she said.
So, that'll put me at 32 hours/week, which is perfect!
Saturday evening I came home to a message--could I house sit for a month starting in four days? 
A huge house and two cats in a quiet neighborhood--with---oh, blessed day--central a/c!
I've pretty much retired from house sitting, but we're heading into the hottest part of the summer, so this is great timing, and I said yes.
Also, living with Mz is tight quarters, and, as I've been saying, I'm unhappy with my neighborhood (noisy, tree killing, etc.)
So--this is a respite till I can move.

Finally, this afternoon I'm going over to the bungalow house (built 1923) to talk about how we might share the space!
We both say we want this to work, so I am hopeful.

A one-story variation on this: