Friday, June 7, 2019

Prize Rhino

Here I am with Big Boss, who has presented me with a ceramic rhinoceros coin bank for my One Year anniversary at the thrift store. I enjoy working with Big Boss a lot (organizational annoyances aside). I think it's mutual.

Truth be told, he didn't realize it was my work anniversary, and it was I who pointed out the rhino as a suitable prize.
I was joking, but he said, "Go for it!"
So then I had to accept it. :)

(I'd guess it's from the 1960s. It was only priced $3.99, because the church lady volunteers who price housewares appear to use an inverted pricing scheme--cool old things cost less than ordinary new things.)

I didn't really want it, but I biked it home in grocery bags hooked over my handlebars.
The Orphan Reds love it.  It's just their color!

1 comment:

  1. That is a sweet picture of the Reds and the looks very happy to be loved. I'm glad it has a new job as guardian of your alley. Now the Reds can wave at it as they go by.
