Thursday, May 30, 2019

Work & Home

A pro photographer came from a local business council to shoot the thrift store a couple weeks ago. When I saw his photo of me at work, I thought, frustrations aside, this is the perfect job for me.

(This is about a quarter of my BOOK's space.)

And then, there's the happiness I come home to:

Also, the other evening, I came home to find
my summer-roommate (Marz) making pasta!


  1. Very nice! Hope the pasta was nummy. What the cute red demon covered book?

  2. If that's a quarter of the space, you have practically a bookstore, maybe comparable in size to Three Lives & Co. in NY. (!).

    Is that Urzidil maybe nine books down?

  3. With that amount of space for books no wonder you all get such wonderful book donations.

    Clever piling of the books at home! Mine are the usual stacked up neatly piles.


  4. BINK: "The Physics of the Buffyverse," by physicist and Buffy-the-Vampire-Slayer fan Jennifer Ouellette.

    MICHAEL: I really do have a lot of room---more than there're books for, even--I like that I don't have to shelve books on the very top and very bottom shelves.

    I looked up Three Lives---never been there, but did you see the Melissa McCarthy movie, "Can You Ever Forgive Me?" It looks like they filmed there--or re-created the store?

    Ah, no, not Urzidil--he's in a whole other pile, the one next to the bed!

    KIRSTEN: I do think the nice space encourages people to donate their books---at least two people have told me something like that (that they want their books to be taken care of, like I take care of the books).

    I like that you give me credit for being clever---careless might be more like it, but as long as the books don't fall over.
    In fact, I've been startled awake by a pile toppling in the middle of the night!

  5. I loved that movie. No Three Lives, but Julius’ (no s after the apostrophe) is on the corner right across the street. The locations are all listed:
