Sunday, May 12, 2019

May, 1984

My mother, Lytton Davis (left, 49 years old), seeing 23-year-old me off on my 10-day bike trip up to Duluth and along Lake Superior.

The photo has yellowed and faded, but I didn't want to color-correct it. It's old!


  1. That’s a happy picture. Glad to see you wore a helmet, hardly the usual thing back then. (Or even now.)

  2. That is indeed quite a happy picture! When i first read the post, I thought it said 10 mile trip and I thought, "wow, what a lot of stuff for ten miles!" but today I noticed it read "10 day". Ohh.


  3. Yes, it was a happy event!

    I'd originally intended to bike longer. Turns out long distance biking by yourself is LONELY, and rather tedious too (in the Midwest USA, anyway), so I stopped after ten days.
