Thursday, May 9, 2019

Do NOT Go in There

I love how much people laugh at my workplace.
 Mr Furniture showed me this T-shirt last week, and I bought it.
I wore it yesterday, and all my coworkers laughed about it, and chimed in on its meaning.
(I'd googled it to see if it had some meaning I would regret, but couldn't find anything. It could be disturbing, but I think it's funny (not necessarily contradictory).

Mr Furniture sees everything in terms of race, but he didn't think it was offensive at all. He'd showed it to me in the first place.

Yesterday bink came and volunteered, sorting the religious books. We get mountains of the most banal stuff, and then once in a while , a gem.
Three to Ge Married? The third must be God, right? Of course...!

It occurred to me this morning that no one at work has mentioned the new English baby prince (or whatever he is), Archie. 
Not that I care either (though I did take note of his goofy name), but I suspect if I brought it up, Mr Linens would tell me, as he'd said of Star Wars, 
"You're talking to the wrong people."

Royal billionaires... not really their cup of tea.
But, not to make assumptions! I will bring it up at work and see what my coworkers say.


  1. Did Mr. Furniture think the shirt was *about* race and not offensive, or not about race at all?

    To my eyes, Fulton J. Sheen is a lot scarier than a toaster. In episodes of his 1950s television show, he seems to radiate Bela Lugosi-like hypnotic power.

  2. The first time I saw Sheen, on early morning television in New Orleans, I thought it was an ad for a Dracula movie. (I was 13 and had never seen a priest in robes...or in anything else, for that matter.)

  3. MICHAEL: Mr Furniture thought the toast was a benign story about race--the brown toast and the black toast have some dangerous adventure?

    It's funny both you and THE CROW saw Sheen as menacing. I don't think I've ever seen him!

  4. I think Sheen looks too much like he wants in on a three-way to be threatening. That's his "I'm sexy" look.
