Saturday, April 27, 2019

Outgoing, Incoming Books

Not much time to blog this morning-–it's  my day off, but I'm going into the store to mail out some ebay sales––including that signed copy of Trump's Art of the Deal I'd posted about:
It sold for $98 within 24 hours!

Also sold 23 back issues of Ballooning magazine to someone in Albuquerque, NM, "ballooning capital of the world"--that's the beauty of online sales, moving things to their right place.
And a vintage Catholic traveling "last rites" box.

Yesterday I showed the antique pantry box I'd pulled from the dumpster to one of our regulars, who buys a lot of the stuff I personally like.
She offered to buy it, but I gave it to her as a gift. That's NOT store policy, but she spends a lot, and we had literally been throwing the box out as trash. She deserved a prize, and it deserved someone who loves it.

It's Independent Bookstore Day here in the Twin Cities, and if I'd thought about it, I might have done something for it... 
I unofficially call my BOOK's area "Vinnie's Books", and it is like an indie bookstore, just one that's dependent on donated books.

We've been getting some amazing donated books!
That copy of The Bell Jar (sold right away for $35), and this week, 1st eds. of Gerald Vizenor's collected tales and poems of the anishinabe people (Minneapolis: Nodin Press, 1970)––the local indigenous people who came to be known as the Chippewa or Ojibwe.

Unlike Ballooning, the anishinabe books should be of high interest locally. They're priced $30 online--I'll put them at $20 in our glass case, and see if they go...


  1. Love the cover designs of the left hand books, even if not the point you are making:

  2. Yes, I love them too. Which point do I make that you don't like?

    1. I just meant the point you are making is that the books are cool because of their content but I like your gist just fine.

  3. Hi, GZ!

    SPARKER: Oh, I see! Yes, they are visually very appealing I think--with thick creamy paper inside, and they are illustrated with cool line drawings--what Vizenor, (I think it's his word?) calls pictomyths:
    "the believable Anishinaabe pictures of myths or believable Anishinaabe myths of pictures."

  4. Oh, that Gary Snyder book makes my heart beat faster. I'd buy that right away if I were in your neck of the woods! I love the covers on the Anishinabe books, too. I can't believe that Trump book sold! Good Lord.
