Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Mercy & Justice Kiss

Michael emailed me this 2-minute video, in response to me writing about not assuming bad intent: :
"Be Kind",  from James Martin, S.J, suggesting that instead of giving something up for Lent, one could add something a little positive:
Three Ways to Be Kinder:
1. Don't spread your own misery

2. Don't talk behind other people's back
3. Give others the benefit of the doubt
I especially love the reminder not to spread your misery.
You might think these three ideas would be unobjectionable, but some commenters don't like them.
Sample comment:
SJ, what can you expect.. so liberal... you better honor Christ and obey the Holy Father."

Ha! (S.J. = Society of Jesus, i.e., the Jesuits, an intellectual order, with a reputation of being liberal Catholics––the Jesuit Pope Francis is such a one.)

This reminds me of another instance of feeling foreign at work:  trying to tell Mr. Linens at work, who had asked if I believe in God, that I believe in God as defined in 1John 4:16:
"God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God..."
He shouted, "BULLSHIT!" and went on to say you have to go to church every week and WORSHIP God.
Big Boss has similarly talked about how important it is not to lose your awe (fear) of how mighty God is.

Some Catholic youtube commenters would agree––as if mercy and kindness were in opposition to judgment and power. 
This is the opposite of the Catholicism I relate to--a Catholicism rooted in the "both/and" of Psalm 85:
"Mercy and truth are met together;
righteousness and peace have kissed each other.


  1. Hmmmm. I'm not sure Mr. Linens and I would see eye-to-eye on religion!

  2. STEVE: Probably not! I don't!
    And yet, here again, everything Mr. Linens SAYS doesn't align with what he really believes, or how he acts.
    For instance, he has been very vocal in defense of gay people at work--arguing with Mr. Furniture, who is somewhat homophobic--
    Mr. Linens has a gay niece and a gay stepson, both of whom he's visibly and vocally proud of.

    So... it's a wild ride with the guys at work, trying to figure out what is jive talking, and what is actionable...!
