Thursday, March 21, 2019

Happy Spring!

The yet-to-be-named Orphans (Seven and Eight?) are harvesting fabric from the ripped up quilt for new springtime outfits. 
I'd hesitated to do that, you know, but pulling up the polyester fabric, they revealed more of my favorite, worn out cotton fabric underneath:
the bright stuff was a patch!

I'm happy: my leg continues to improve--the pain is more an ache than a stab this morning. Now I can relax and enjoy this forced time off, knowing I am healing. I'm going for a walk later in the day, when the sun will have melted ice off sidewalks.


  1. This is so cool about the older quilts. People really wouldn't go out and buy another one as it might have been seen as a waste of money when they had an item that could easily repaired especially if they had the materials in hand.

    Some of the fabrics in this old quilt are quite nice.

    Love the idea of reusing them for another purpose!


  2. Thanks for commenting, Kirsten!
    I always enjoy your comments.

    (I just wrote about bad comments I have left, and yours are the opposite!)

    I love to see mends--the care that goes into taking care of things.
    Of course in the past it was often poverty or lack that made people mend things, but now when we have TOO MUCH stuff, it's optional--and what a nice option it is.

  3. Seven and Eight ... is it possible that they know Eleven? :)

    I asked them if they know Eleven, and they were baffled and concerned--
    "Are there more of us?"

    They think three of them are missing! They just don't think like humans, and won't hear differently--- And I tell ya, I am full up with eight.
    Must come up with an explanation in their terms.
    Perhaps the other three are world travelers... off on adventures.
    Yes, that should do it.

    We are awaiting their return.
