Saturday, December 29, 2018

Not Too Bad... As Bad Goes

The other night after work, I ate at the White Castle across from the K-Mart where the bus lets me off.

I almost never eat there––it's pretty disgusting (cold surfaces with a light film of grease, and you don't want to go in the bathrooms).
However, I had eaten nothing all day but leftover grocery-store Xmas cake and mini–Tootsie Rolls at work,
[New Year's Resolution: STOP THAT!
I had nothing at home except cold roast potatoes and a generic breakfast cereal called Corn Biscuits (basically Corn Chex, not too bad with bananas, if you have them, which I didn't), and I remembered that last spring White Castle served pretty good black bean burgers.
(I'm not vegetarian, but the meat at White Castle was definitely murdered.)

They don't serve black-bean burgers anymore. "They're seasonal," the server told me. [???]

Now they have something called an "Amazing Burger––Plant Based." Or, is it the Awesome Burger? Anyway, you can get cheese on it, but if not, it's actually vegan.
It's meant to taste like a burger, and I tell you, it's much, much nicer than their actual burgers. No gristle!

Also, their crinkle-cut fries are the best fast-food fries, IMHO.
I take some teeny-tiny sliver of hope for humanity from the fact that a place like White Castle offers a vegan burger. 
All the packaging, (I used five ketchup packets with my fries), etc., I'm sure it still has a plenty big carbon footprint, but less than meat. I hope. 
Even if we're doomed, it makes me fond of my species to see us make some effort to slow down impending disaster.

Also, the Awesome Burger actually tastes pretty good. Pairs nicely with Tootsie Rolls!

Today I am going to the grocery store to buy REAL FOOD.


  1. Yeah, my New Year's Resolution is to stop calling potato chips and vodka "dinner".
