Wednesday, November 28, 2018

#2019 #moretocome

After all my resistance, I ended up being unexpectedly cheered by my fledgling efforts at fundraising yesterday.


People (mostly friends) donated $110, with FB doubling some (once they give $7 million, they stop doubling). That's about $200 we didn't have before, and need, and wouldn't have if we (I) hadn't asked.

My boss sent me a sweet email thanking me for my efforts.

"We have a long way to go on the fundraising road," he wrote. "We'll get there though! #2019 #moretocome"

I thought, that's right:
Things might (or might not) get better, but at any rate, for God's sake, look to the horizon!

He also told me that the board is setting up a Development Committee, to take on this sort of thing.


In the contrary way we humans have, however, I felt a small pang, as if I were losing out. I had to seriously ask myself, do I want to be on this committee?
100% no!

II. New Doll to Come

The other night when I ordered a Yellowstone bear on ebay, I also browsed the offerings of Orphan Reds (technically "Madeline" dolls), and saw this disheveled one:

The seller's photo of her made me laugh, pleased me with its composition, and disturbed me: 
why is that doll wearing a sock on her hand?
Is she in trouble?

Is she reaching out... to me?

I spoke sternly to myself. "This is just a plastic item. And three is a complete number of Orphan Reds, and three is the number that lives with me now."

But the disheveled doll stayed with me, so I showed her photos to Mz.
I thought she'd say, "Get over it."

She said, "You should get this doll."*

I ordered her immediately. Though the seller had photographed her on a fraying dingy bath towel, they weren't selling her cheap--she was $20, with shipping.
I don't care.

She is on her way to my work address. She will be my work doll.
I don't know if she'll even meet the other three Little Reds. 
(I suspect she will, because they are nosy buggers and want to know all.)

#moretocome, yes indeed.
This Sunday the Reds get dressed up as the Three Magi. 
I like to think that to reach the baby by Epiphany, the magi had to start traveling well before the baby was born.

I wonder,
What strange magic is walking toward us, already on its way?


* Mz also said, "What's the harm?" 


  1. Do you think her hand was burned in a fire? Or maybe she has a tattoo?

    Looking to meet the 4th Red soon.

  2. We shall have to see what the deal is with her hand...
    I'm looking forward to meeting her too!
