Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Haruspex sheep is divine!

The lamb I adapted for a professional role as an actor in Roman Comedy (for a Latin/Classics high-school teaching friend) is done and ready to go, divination liver buttoned up in a back pocket.
I will miss this sheep, but I know there's a bright future ahead for such a talented actor--and eager volunteer (as you can see in first photo: "CHOOSE ME!").

Showing the other side of the liver:

My idea was to use modern symbols that the students will recognize but that will be as hard to decipher in 2,000 years as the symbols on the bronze Etruscan liver are to us.

This is sheep at tea-time yesterday, carefully considering buttons.
We ended up with ones that looked like symbols---the top black-and-white one (in set above) is like the Harry Potter deathly hallows symbol.


  1. What a wonderful sheep you have created! I would say the lamb is an obvious ham but that is such a bad pun in more ways than one.

    This class is so lucky to receive such a gift. I dare say the students will remember this for some time.


  2. Thanks, Kirsten!
    The lamb is a ham... :)
    I do hope the students enjoy him . . . I would!

  3. Amy should tape the class where the sheep makes her first appearance. I would love to see the students react as she is put through her acting paces.

  4. Thanks, Potter.

    BINK: I asked Amy for photos--a video would be great!!!
