Sunday, May 6, 2018

Toy Photography from J.J. in Japan

J.J., my friend and fandom correspondent in Japan, emailed that she and her husband have been doing some toy photography too. 
She wrote,
"We really love how it forces you to look at the world differently, so you can spot interesting details and possible situations.  Our toys have been exploring Japan!  They should totally meet up with the Red Haired Orphans someday...."
Like me, she didn't know it was such A Thing either:
"I had no idea there was a community of people who photograph their toys like that—but of course there is, I have no idea why I’m vaguely surprised by it.  
There’s an art to the creation of the tableaux and the expression of emotion in toys that’s SO interesting, I love how people can so easily project happiness, puzzlement, worry etc. onto toys depending on how they’re framed."
That intrigues me too---how we can use simple plastic toys with fixed features to convey stories and feelings, even sometimes complex ones.

Here are J.J's wrestlers, Kevin (KO) and Sami [her writing about them], with spring flowers:

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