Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Poppin' Afresh

This morning the furled leaves outside my window have popped open, making me think, as I do each spring, of "The Trees", by Philip Larkin––especially the last stanza:
... the unresting castles thresh
In fullblown thickness every May.
Last year is dead, they seem to say,
Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.
The Poppin' Fresh Marching Band is holding a parade to welcome leaves. 
This mug is soon to be retired from daily use, however, because I have ordered a Very Special Art Mug!
I recently discovered the sprightly blog of potter Sandy Miller: Paine Falls
Sandy makes intricate and enticing art pieces, and she also sells a "knockabout mug" and other functional pottery on her Etsy site.

I chose the ginko leaves and bumble bee mug, which, she says,
"Holds a full 14 ounces and will get you around the yard or through the front page of the Sunday Paper. "

What really decided me was the bee on the handle.
(I also appreciate how the stem of one ginko leaf curves over the lip.)

I always like making of/behind the scenes features, and Sandy's explanation (in a blog comment on this post) of how she designed and makes her botanical series––including this mug––fascinated me:
"Old botanical prints out of books and then making decals. I ended up testing and tweaking 46 white glazes before I found the one I liked!
The glaze is a calcium matt so the first time it comes out of the kiln it's shiny and very enamel looking, yuck! Apply decals and retire to cone 2. Cone allows the calcium matrix to develop nicely. Took me just about 2 years..."


gz said...

Welcoming Spring is good.

Fresca said...

GZ: And I found Sandy through you!