Tuesday, October 11, 2016

What I'm Reading

Orange Crate asked if people have night stands. 
I don't really; I have a little stool where my lamp sits, which I call a bedside table because that's what my mother always called whatever piece of furniture was beside the bed.
But my mattress is on the floor so whatever I'm reading before I fall asleep lies splayed there.

Right now I'm reading:
1. The current Economist

2. The Spiral Staircase, a memoir by religion scholar Karen Armstrong--I tore out the final chapters (lying on top) to take with me on a walk around the lake (didn't want to carry the whole hardback book).
 3. Embed with Games: A Year on the Couch with Game Developers, by Cara Ellison--the crowdsource-funded writing of game journalist as she spends a year sleeping on the couches of indie game designers. I'd've barely understood this book a year ago.

4. Ransom, by Sam Malouf
Homer fanfiction, eh? A reimagining of the meeting in the Iliad when Priam goes to Achilles' tent to ransom the body of his son Hektor.

I also just put on the floor next to the mattress a free-standing adjustable book holder--some sort of Victorian contraption? that my mother had.
In it are books I am sometimes reading or plan to read:


  1. The Story of God by Armstrong is pretty wonderful (but sad).

  2. I do like her! (Armstrong, that is, not God.)

  3. I like The Spiral Staircase and Through the Narrow Gate .

  4. MICHAEL: I liked Narrow Gate too--I read it a long time ago.
    I think I like her personal writing more than her scholarly...
