Sunday, August 9, 2015

"It's Me," By Request

I embroider "Mulder, it's me" at Marz's request. It's a phrase from The X Files; the character Scully says it all the time, often into a portable phone the size of a carton of cigarettes.  

I know so little about that show, I had to ask how to spell "Mulder", and also which one that is. (Mulder's the boy.)

I'd forgotten, embroidering little stitches tenderizes your fingers.


  1. Ah, you may well need to watch at least the first season of X-files. I never got past that, really, but that far is excellent.

    Sounds like you are more loved than you feel.

  2. I did watch one episode.
    I don't know why, but aside from Star Trek I hardly like any TV. It just goes on and on... (So maybe that's why?)

    Love sometimes runs underground, like a stream...

  3. We probably have all the X Files episodes on VHS (Tim stores a lot of videos in boxes). I'll always remember the theme music, heard from the other room, and my daughter whistling it around the house.

  4. I like how the typeface of your stitches looks kind of X-file creepy.
