Tuesday, November 19, 2013


 I told Marz I wasn't sure I could handle painting my mother, it made me feel so heavy, and she said, why don't you paint her things?

1956 Buick, lipstick (orangey), Marlboro cigarettes


  1. Thanks, Laura.

    Z: It does call for a certain kind of bravery, I admit, dredging up some of this history, since, as you know, some difficult emotions come up with it.

  2. As much as I'm digging all of your watercolor paintings this one's really a favorite. The colors: orangey, light blue, white, black, red! are what I always want to look at. And the lipstick is just right. (Factoid: In the cosmetic world lipstick testers are called bullets.)

  3. POODLE: I did think, as I painted this, that the tube looked a lot like a bullet, but I had no idea the testers are actually called that! Perfect.
    I'm glad you like the colors here: I do too.
