Saturday, November 22, 2008

Virgil Says Relax

Finally a use for my Classics degree: making gay Star Trek porn out of Virgil!

[NB: OK, more like a bodice-ripping romance-novel parody, sorry if I disappoint...]

Pon Farr drives Spock to look lustfully upon...

McCoy is jealous, because Kirk is a manly man...

Virgil's lovers Dido and Aeneas come to an unhappy end, but not so my heroes.
Spock ends up happily...

Virgil's actually a bit of a prude who could stand to to relax his Roman rectitude.
For alternate inspiration, I'm listening to Frankie Goes to Hollywood's "Relax" repeatedly while I mash up our boys. I'm thinking it might even be a good soundtrack for the vid:
"Hit me with those laser beams!"


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing the whole movie!

  2. Spock looks quite fabulous indeed with his hair in laurel leaves!

    Virgil + 60s cowboy space opera + 80s dance music = synergy to make one's brain break. :)

  3. As has happened before, now that I'm near the end, I have to go back and change the beginning. (And I'm not sure of the song, either.)
    So I will not post today, but soon...

    My brain is feeling pretty weak at the hinges all right!
