Tuesday, October 28, 2008

FRI, NOV. 7, 2008: "Obama's Loss Traced to [your name here]"

Have you seen these political ads? Bink kindly (?) put me (my legal name, which I rarely use) in this funny, cleverly made video, blaming a single nonvoter--me!--for Obama's loss.
MoveOn.org co-sponsors these political ads. You can add names of whomever you like here.


  1. This is really funny and you should be, y'know, ashamed of yourself! Losing the election like that!

    Oh, and sorry, I'm a PC and dont t
    have that apple software...its no cheaper over here either...

  2. Yes, those poor goats, bombed because I didn't vote... : )

  3. I meant to say yesterday, political ads, how I'll miss them...(righhhhht). But humor helps.

  4. I don't know why I got such a kick out of seeing my name (and those of my friends and fellow bloggers) in this ad, but it cracks me up every time. The power of the personalizing!

  5. I just love this viral approach. It's funny and energizing in a rather enervating campaign.

    Five more days...five more days...

  6. I hope Obama and Co. will keep doing innovative webbish stuff once Obama is president too!
