Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Never Pinned

FB has cottoned on to my new interest in education and is showing me teaching TikToks--including ones of clever Pinterest-y classroom ideas. "Make a sensory board in only 15 minutes" [not counting the couple hours it takes to shop for supplies, plus you have to pay for them yourself].

I laugh. The classroom aesthetic I see at work is more like

A friend suggested I be careful, blogging about work. I will go back and edit some earlier posts. The main thing I've been curtailing as I go along is stories about the students--sooo many funny, smart, unique stories!

Here's a coffee pot instead.

I mentioned to Abby that the teachers' coffeepot was broken, and she gave us one she didn't want herself (an expensive Bunn, too big for her kitchen).
When I set it up on top of the mini-fridge, I laughed to discover the electric plug-in situation... I'm sure there's a decorative cord cover-up on Pinterest.

Also, we offer Ketchup & Oranges (leftover from lunches).

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