Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter! No guillotine; yes gunpowder.

The girllettes chose not to do the guillotine.
They said there’d been a misunderstanding:
they'd thought a guillotine was like a machine for dispensing soft-serve ice cream––a machine with a lever you pull for treats,
like on an old-fashioned slot machine.

And, in fact, Penny Cooper didn’t do the Annual Sydney Carton Martyrdom Reenactment at all. "We're tired of that."

They held an Easter Parade instead. Indoors, because it's cold and snowy outside (unlike the entire rest of this winter). bink helped, including bringing over the little yellow chicks.

Here, you can see their hats from Linda Sue better:

Do you recognize the artwork? It's Leonard Weisgard's illustrations for The Golden Egg Book (1947), by Margaret Wise Brown who also wrote Goodnight Moon.

' Brown said The Golden Egg Book was inspired by her feeling “that there were not enough wildflowers in children’s books.” She invited Weisgard up to her summer cottage on the island of Vinalhaven, Maine, to sketch such wildflowers as well as weeds and bugs. '
[--via "How The ‘Goodnight Moon’ Author and Collaborator Revolutionized Kids Books"]
So, no guillotine, and since Easter celebration should have some ritualized violence--unless a seed falls to the earth, there is no resurrection-- here's the 30-sec video Peeps Blow Up,
the Easter classic bink & I made 14 years ago.

WARNING: Peeps blow up.
(Truly, someone told me they found it disturbing.)


  1. A parade is a much better choice. Have you tried to explain the word “rotogravure” to the girlettes? (As in “Easter Parade.”) Is a blog the new rotogravure?

  2. Ha, they have never heard that song! (But I remember the movie Easter Parade from when I was twelve and watched lots of old movies on TV.)
    A blog could be a "roto".

  3. Ah, I have (or perhaps had and gave away....) a copy of The Golden Egg Book - wonderful art, now I want to research the Maine connection.


  4. And good fun was had by all!!

  5. I still have my Golden Egg Book from the year 1947- I was a brand new baby but when I grew up to be able to hold a pencil I numbered the pages- One, Four, seven, three, many times, I loved that number. Maple is a little bit disappointed to not be able to wail over the dead guy but she will find something else to wail over.
    Girlettes look fine in their easter hats- like little old ladies. Sweet! Also The orphans thing a machine that squirts out ice cream is a marvelous idea.
    I LOVE the little film- caps under the peeps to encourage explosion??

  6. Our film is truly a classic. I still enjoy watching it…and it was so much fun to make.

    1. I remember well hitting the peeps in your driveway! It was so surprising!
