Sunday, October 1, 2023

Voice dictation test

Can this type the words I say? Wow yes.
I'm trying out voice dictation on this Blog because I am posting on my iPhone.
Oh this really works. I don’t like to type on my phone’s little keyboard so is this an option I’d like? I don’t know. Talking is different than type-writing. 

How fast does this go? Pretty fast. 

Today is October 1 and I have a little cold. Sneezing! Weird. Even weirder, because of Unprecedented high heat and humidity today’s Twin Cities Marathon was canceled. Oh look voice recognition even capitalized  “Twin Cities Marathon”. Anyway I guess they they didn’t have enough Emergency support staff to care for all the runners expected to pass out from dehydration and overheating. I was tickled to see that a lot of people ran it anyway.

Penny Cooper says it’s too hot for her dress.

How many of you use voice dictation to blog? It makes me wonder if people with long, chatty posts are speaking them instead of typing because speaking is a lot Faster.

This speaking option I'm using here will be really handy for translating English to Spanish and back again at work. I’ve often handed customers my phone to type in Spanish what they’re looking for. But this will be faster. 

I missed Asst Man more than I expected at work yesterday, the first day since he quit. He’s the only coworker who delighted in vintage thrift. He was almost the only coworker who even recognized vintage donations. That was some thing I very much valued. 

—— I only recently realized that people don’t necessarily know the difference between paperbacks and hardbacks. A few months ago a customer asked me how she could tell book prices. I pointed to the sign that said paperbacks are $.99 and hardbacks are $1.99.
She was holding a book and said, "Which is this?"
It was a paper back and I explained how to tell the difference.
Then a new cashier at work asked me the same thing. This cashier is a reader, as was the customer.
So once again I made an assumption about the general fund of knowledge/ GFK.

Hm. How do I give instructions for things like parentheses? I guess I’ll figure it out. Let’s try… Add parentheses. No that wasn’t it. Begin parentheses. No. Well no big deal.
In general this does incredibly well. I’ll go back in and clean up a few tiny mistakes but it’s really getting all my words right. I can see how it could lead to chattier posts because I don’t have to think about it. Ha, it corrects itself as it goes. For instance it started to type “cheddar” as in cheese when I said “chattier”. But corrected it to “chattier” when I added “posts”. 

I’ll leave this for now. 

Happy Sunday! Don’t run 26.2 miles down asphalt roads steaming in the full afternoon sun now!


  1. you sound like me! learning about shortcuts some time after getting a device.

    it's been hot here, too!! in the 90s!! hot and dry.....i'm so over the summer and looking forward to cooler weather.


    1. Hi, Kirsten—yes, I’ve been slow on all the many things smartphones can do. I was much keener when I got my first laptop and it was all magical!

      It’s a shame the marathon wasn’t next weekend—supposed to be 35 degrees cooler by then.
