Sunday, September 3, 2023

“the fine lines between child and adult”: Musical Headdress, in process

Sunday morning coffee with bink often involves playing with attaching things to other things. 
Today—making a musical headdress for me to wear to the art opening of regular thrift-store customer, and famous musician and maker, Douglas Ewart

In process, below. The rainbow slats are xylophone keys from a cheap kids’ toy, the strikers (clangers?) are household objects—a plug, a tea strainer, kitchen tongs, etc. The wire frame is for holding canning jars:

Douglas is a musician first, I think, but as a non-musical person, I love best the things he makes, including made-up musical instruments, such as a contraption with a hamster wheel—you can see it and others here:

I love love love what Douglas says (link in his name up top):

“I want to magnify the links and the overlaps of play and work, laughter and seriousness, esoteric and generic, ethereal and earthy, mythology and pragmatism, gravity and levitation, meditation and concentration, the fine lines between child and adult, imagination and realism.”

I’d say something similar. 


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