Sunday, July 2, 2023

Up Next: Celebrate Mice Parade

 Working w/bink on the 
Fourth of July Mouse Parade

“It’s to Celebrate Mice”

They will wear their solstice hats but have new pennants—pink for mouse ears—and drums, etc. A horse! 

The booklet that inspired them is from 1976:


  1. TERRIFIC! Another parade, YAY- can't wait! The horse is docile I am sure. Looks to be well trained and that is what is needed if a horse is to enter the parade. Orphans are hoping that there will be candy tossed to the crowd...

  2. That’s the kind of parade I can get behind.

  3. LINDA SUE: The parades are coming thick and fast this summer!
    The horse in gentle, not likely to careen off and trample anyone. Very important, I agree.
    Candy is always welcome!

    MICHAEL: Penny Cooper is happy to hear that: "We have the OCA Seal of Approval".

  4. What could be better than a Celebrate Mice Parade?
