Sunday, July 23, 2023

Excelsior! TiffanyPat the Bear

Just as I was leaving work through the donations bay door, a woman drove up with a small box of old toys—hers. “Are you sure you’re ready to give them away?” I asked. 

She really was. She wasn’t at all sad, unlike a woman who’d teared up when she gave me her old doll, while insisting she wanted to clean things out so her children wouldn’t have to.

I hear that a lot, and it sounds like a good idea, but sometimes people are doing themselves a minor violence. Sometimes they force themselves to get rid of clutter, but it’s not “clutter” if your heartstrings are attached. Things have souls too.

People will say, “I don’t want my kids to have to clean up.”

I say, yeah, clean up your your medical life, and leave your finances in order! But if you’re still loving your things, let someone else donate them when you’re gone. Your kids? I’m sure you cleaned up a lot of their crap. 

Efficiency is not the highest good. Unless it is for you, in which case it’s not violating you, giving away childhood toys. I think this donor was like that—truly ready to clear the clutter.

Anyway, I took the woman’s little golden mohair bear for myself. She said, “I thought you’d like that” (though we’ve never met to my recollection—she certainly might have seen me working). Now I’m kicking myself for not asking her Bear’s name. 

Bear had a bandaid on its leg. “This needs air,” the girlettes declared. 

“Will it hurt?”

It didn’t hurt a bit. A shin tear reveals the stuffing of excelsior (wood shavings)—a small operation will take care of it. A colorful patch maybe?

It doesn’t hamper Bear’s mobility at all. Excelsior! I think Bear is named Pat, for the character in Silver Linings Playbook whose motto that is. Hm, or Tiffany, the other character. The name means to shine forth. “I want both names!”

Okay then. TiffanyPat.


  1. Oh dear, I am SO glad that you kept Tiffany bear, she deserves the very best home! How lovely , I give bear a hug from afar! Old toys, so well loved make my heart bigger than my chest - orphans cheer and sing a song of "Welcome Home"-you are so right about kids cleaning up after the dearly departed- get the boring stuff in order but leave the dolls and bears and monkeys to be re-homed and the kids , if they know the departed well enough will see to that.

    1. LINDA SUE: and in my (our?) case, the dolls and bears and suchlike will need to be around to run the funeral!

  2. oops I forgot the PAT part, TiffanyPat

  3. please give tiffanypat a most welcome hug from rita, ava, and rbg bear. they are so happy to see that tiffanypat will have a most welcoming new home and lots of new friends to come.

    love the idea of someone putting a band-aid on the boo-boo! but a patch will be most welcome.


  4. MS MOON: maybe they were twins indeed—this woman was at least our age, so TiffanyPat is probably the same age as your Bear was 😊

  5. Precisely the kind of heart-warming news I needed: the girlettes caring for the transplanted bear! He/she in in good hands now. Hugs for TiffanyPat!

    1. TORORO: yes! They are happily introducing TiffanyPat to all the others this afternoon.
      (The dolls and bears think the humans are peculiar for not taking good care of the other humans.)
