Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Welcome Summer! The Parade

 Happy Summer Solstice, everyone in the northern hemisphere, and Winter in the southern!

Above: The girlettes' parade w Macy's Balloon (Bed Bear).
They commenced in my north yard at the appointed time: Earth was at maximum tilt toward the Sun this morning at 9:57, US Central Standard Time.

BELOW: Rehearsals first... with final adjustments of hats & so forth.
Penny Cooper was born to be Drum Major.
She tried to get them to match in step, but they kept getting distracted. “This is not in our wheelhouse.”

I couldn't have managed all this alone.
BELOW: bink had folded the paper hats on Sunday, and I added plumes. She came this morning (striped shirt) and unrolled my tp roll to get the tube to make a drum for Ivy (riding the caboose bear).
It was Marz's idea to have a parade balloon, and she was Puppet-master.

The neighbor watering his yard above, right ^ came to see what was up. He told us that children's book author Kate DiCamillo lives  across the street, four houses down! (I knew she lived in town but had no idea she's a neighbor.)
She's famous for Because of Winn Dixie. I like The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane best because it's about a Toy That Is Real.

BELOW: If anyone ever wonders what I'm truly like, I can show them this:


BELOW: They were tired afterward, but satisfied with a job well done.

My wish for this new season:
Surprised delight!


  1. what a great parade! and to see all the work behind the scenes. the paper hats are adorable and even with elastic to hold them on. hats off to bink.

    and marz as puppet-master is awesome. congrats marz!

    happy solstice!


  2. KIRSTEN: I love that you noticed the elastic to hold the hats on! It was slightly windy this morning so I'm really glad we'd bothered with that detail.
    Marz can do everything too--she will be missed when she's gone for 40 days.
    Happy Solstice to yoU!

  3. Oh, I do love a parade, especially that one! And as with all parades, much planning, work, and last minute details are involved!

  4. It's impressive that you (I mean, the gang) managed to do all the hats, instruments and accessories just in time. Surprised delight to you!

    1. Thank you, TORORO,
      It helps me to have a definite deadline—in this case, to the minute—astronomically calculated! In contrast, I never did pull together a whole Midsummer Night’s Dream last year—too big, too amorphous (though there were several good tableaux).

  5. WOW A thrilling parade and the balloon bear is fantastic- the orphans now think that bears fly and that is OK- everyone can fly in Orphan world.The hats are marvelous and ought to be worn on a regular basis. Great to have a team effort- working so well together- Marz being gone soon, the same amount of days as the children from the plane wreck in the jungle! We are so inspired by the parade, thank you- Gleeful!
    You are a devoted artist on the ground armed with nothing but a phone camera- brilliant- and you have great hair, of which I am jealous.

    1. LINDA SUE: I am hoping to see some Flying Bears over at your place one of these days 😊❤️
