Wednesday, June 7, 2023

To Be a Pilgrim... Wash Less

After all that fretting about Atticus, I was extra happy to get a phone call from Marz this afternoon saying she has a ticket to be a pilgrim--in a coupla weeks she's heading to Spain to walk the Camino de Santiago!
I am thrilled for her and sent her this version of the hymn "To Be a Pilgrim"--with the sometimes deleted line,
"Hob-goblin, nor foul fiend can daunt his spirit".

Maybe there's something I don't know? That's the BEST line! Right out of a fairytale. (Puck is a hobgoblin.) Also fooey on people who tell you dismal stories about what you want to do.

Other good news today.
I haven't mentioned it here because it was too fraught, but bink's great-nephew was born a few weeks ago with a lethal heart defect, underwent dangerous surgery to build an artery(!), and only just today has been declared out of immediate danger. He has a lot of hospital care ahead, but the major problem is fixed.

I haven't mentioned bink's concussion in a while either, but there's good news there too: after being stuck on a plateau this spring, right at the one year mark--sooo discouraging---her brain took a big leap recently, and she's much improved. She still has double-vision looking at things up close, and too much stimulus gives her a headache and dizziness, but even then the recovery time is much, shorter.

And... I did my laundry!
How often do you wash your sheets? (Ms Moon, if you read this, I know, 😼 every Friday.)
I guess I wash them every few weeks--I'm not on a schedule. But I always wash them when I've been unwell. Makes me feel better!

Did you see there's this newish movement to get people to wash their clothes less?
Americans in particular are nuts about washing everything all the time, and it's bad for fabrics, bad for the environment--not just the waste of water and electricity, but the soap and the microbits of fabric that pollute water supplies.

I laughed to read [citation? no.] that asking people to do laundry less often appealed to men because many didn’t worry about washing theirs all that often anyway.
A-ha! I found the citation:

But marketers/sociologists (?) figured women were indoctrinated to equate clean laundry with moral virtue and therefore an appeal to Environmentalism would better persuade women.

I don't know how they measured results, but that proved to be true.

Pilgrims never have to wash their clothes.


  1. Mr.Man washes his clothes all the time, wear once/wash...I do not. I must be a pilgrim!
    Babies are a crap shoot really, never know what they are gong to be or have or not have when born. Luck of the draw.
    I miss you so much on IG!!

  2. LINDA SUE: You are a natural born Pilgrim!!! I love that about you.
    Of course laundry & sex/gender is not hardwired, but I thought the article was funny—can’t find it again—the way they described young men’s laundry habits.
    Yes, babies and life in general are a big crap shoot.
    Aw, I’m sorry you miss me on IG—should I post more photos here?

  3. your IG account and photos were inspiring to me. ANd your comments were the best- I miss you there.

  4. My husband is pretty good about not putting things in the laundry after one wearing unless they are stained or stinky or something. And yes- you know me- I do wash my sheets weekly because I love the way they feel when I put them back on the bed, fresh. And because my cat sleeps with us, I know there may be even more reason to wash them regularly. We shower before bed. He does not.

  5. MS MOON: My mother used to hang sheets on the line to dry in the sun, like you do, and I sure remember how wonderful they were fresh on our beds afterward.
    I haven't had a clothesline in the sun for ages.

    Everyone has different toleration of crumbs in the bed--or other crunchy bits. :)
