Sunday, June 11, 2023

Heavenly Weather

Oh, hi there. Sunday morning.
Let's talk about the weather! Auntie Vi, are you listening in heaven?
What's the weather like?
On Earth, it's boring if it's always the same, so I'd want it variable, but, you know, within the "not too bad today, is it" range.

Oh--have you seen Denise, God's (gum chewing) Receptionist (
Taryn Delanie Smith) ) on TikTok? Funny, and kind, and a little snarky in the polite way that people who have to be nice to the public manage to be.

"I'm sorry, your request for an upgrade to Angel Premium Plus was denied.

Why? I'll just print out those Facebook posts of yours from 2008.
Uh-huh, those are why."
Let's see--can I share this Washington Post gift link onward? with links? I think yes:
"Why Denise, Heaven's Receptionist, Is the Best Thing on TikTok"

If not--you don't need an intro--she's here, straight up on TikTok
click "Heavenly Receptionist".

Anyway, this morning at 8 a.m. on this spot on Earth, it's a chilly and sunny 52º. I had to put on a sweater. Such a treat, I love it.
It rained a little yesterday too, so we're not burnt toast, not yet.

It's only supposed to reach 72 today--ideal.
I'm feeling better... not coughing too much, but still running on low. This afternoon I was going to see Point Blank with Marz, and then write a sonnet about it. I think I'll cancel that, unless I feel a lot better. Maybe just walk to the Turtle Fountain instead with a book.
I've started Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore, which is pretty good right off the bat, unlike most books I've tried with "bookstore" in the title.

Oh--here comes bink for our every-Sunday coffee--with a baguette from the patisserie down the street--it's a few blocks into the toney neighborhood I'm right on the edge of.
(In my last neighborhood--an old blue-collar area-- with Housemate, there was a bakery. And the one before that, a panaderia.)

Have a lovely Sunday!


  1. Wow! I had no idea that Denise existed but I am already in love with her deeply after fifteen minutes of watching her. Thank you, Fresca.
    I hope you are feeling better every moment. I think I may have caught whatever you have. Wouldn't it be funny if we found out that yes, we can catch things online? That viruses can be transmitted and not just in the tech sense. Denise would know the answer to that.

    1. I’m glad you love her, MS MOON—me too!
