Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Notes on Donations

Donors sometimes leaves notes with their donations to the thrift store--or sometimes the notes are leftovers on gifts or notes to self.
Considerate notes are some of my favorite things, counterbalancing as they do "donors" who dump their trash on the thrift store.

My Favorite Murder is a popular true-crime comedy podcast.
BELOW: The note with this puzzle:

"This puzzle has all its pieces, but it is frustratingly poorly made. I hope by donating it I can give other My Favorite Murder fans a chance to experience the cool ideaof this puzzle without them needing to pay $50 for it."
Puzzle volunteer Abby looked at the pieces and said, "Yeah, these are poorly designed--too many pointy edges--they'd be hard to work with." She priced it $1.99.

BELOW: A note in George Orwell's Burmese Days:
"You may enjoy reading this George Orwell novel, but I doubt it! It is greatly different from the ones you've already done."

BELOW: "Joe's TOASTER Christmas 1974 From Mary"
The toaster in this box was pristine.

I have an unusually busy social schedule coming up--busy for me, that is.
I prefer to spread out social engagements, but for various reasons they're close together over the next couple weeks. That's okay, really. (And what I mean by "close together" is more than one a week. LOL)

But.... Oh, darn.
I just this moment got a text from Big Boss saying we're having a staff meeting (to plan SOPs for shoplifting) on Friday.
I should have been doing that during the meeting with the police last week, but I'd been taking notes. More fool, me. If I hadn't paid attention, I wouldn't have gotten angry. Must practice harder.

I'd told Marz my idea to write movie reviews in sonnet form, and she wants to do it too. In a couple weeks the micro-cinema is showing Point Blank (Lee Marvin, Angie Dickinson), which I've never seen but she loves---we're going to see that and write sonnets about it.

At the Rose Garden this past weekend: