Friday, January 6, 2023

Shine On, Tiffany

Today is Epiphany--To Shine Upon (from the Greek epi (upon)  + phainein "to show, bring to light," (from PIE root bha- "to shine").
On this day in 1995, bink was saved from death when a car veered into the bus shelter she was standing in, showering her with broken safety glass and tearing up the bus bench, which grazed her front as it came to rest at her feet.

bink was waiting for the bus to go pick up our friend Jim and escort him home from the hospital. Jim was in the end stages of AIDS, right before they came up with effective meds... He would die six weeks later, but that Epiphany was a happy day.

Funniest thing about "epiphany"? It's the root of the name Tiffany! (The "ph" spelled as "ff".)
Isn't that wild? We think of Tiffany as such a Valley Girl name, but its roots are Proto-Indo-European.

I have had a request (thanks, GZ) for a photo of the finished lemon pound cakes. (The yellow towel is woven by Joanne of Cup on the Bus.) I had a slice, and all is well.
I wasn't thinking of Epiphany when I made such a bright cake.
The Mexican panaderias all sell Three Kings Cake today (Epiphany celebrates the arrival of the magi to see baby Jesus).

Work has been brighter lately, with the arrival of Emmler.
Here she is below, looking like an angry badger.

Anger seems to be her go-to emotion, which, frankly, is something of a relief––a zip of lemon––to be around, since depression is more the zeitgeist and certainly the mood of my coworkers. I mean, even the ones who are high--their energy is depressed, in the sense of damped down. Mellow actually isn't my favorite mood because I naturally tend toward sleepy.

Below, L to R: Ass't Man, me, Grateful-J, Emmler

Anger is an energy like fire, and Emmler has been a catalyst --especially to Ass't Man, who has a grumpy earth-mushroom vibe,
and to me, likely to be floating on a blow-up raft in a pool drinking a girly drink with an umbrella.
So along comes a fireball...

The emotion itself is not interesting to me--the point is, with her fire, Emmler MAKES THINGS. Drawings and paintings and constructions and clothes outfits, all the time.
I've been bugging her to show me, to share on IG, and Ass't Man too... and that's starting to happen. We were just talking about maybe doing something together as a trio...

It's not important that we work together, it's just the bouncing around of light that matters.
It's been a long time since I've been around artists--plural--who make things. I mean, not just one at a time, but two others, a tiny group--it's invigorating!
Call me Tiffany.


  1. always a joy to see a post! i've been thinking about epiphany for most of yesterday and today especially with the cease-fire going on (although i see all sorts of sinister moves happening during those hours under the guise of supporting the church).

    i will have to try pound cake as i don't think i have ever made one and lemon sounds like such a good change from way too much chocolate!!

    making thngs is a good use of anger and turns it into something constructive rather than destructive.


  2. ps is that a blender with the pushbuttons for the different types of things you want to make?

    i still have my parents old Sunbeam blender that had 3 speeds - high, medium and low! just found one on ebay for $55 and it had only 2 speeds high and low.

    and for fun here is the story of the blender and how it got the waring name:

    somewhere i think i have a vintage booklet of fred waring recipes.


  3. earth-mushroom vibe, Yep.

    That place needed the spark of angry creative give a fuck energy!
    Love the look of your cake! I have a couple of yellow Joanne towels that I bring out when there is light in the sky, Lately been loving the blue denim towels- they make everything look good!

    A collaboration would be amazing I reckon.
    ( I may have found a place in Brixton again...October)

  4. I approve of everything in this post. Especially Emmler.

  5. WOW! those cakes.
    I sure would love to have breakfast at your place, Tiffany!

  6. Those cakes look good..see, putting three in the oven worked!! And matched nicely with Joanne's weaving.

    You look a good group together..where do we see Emmler's creations?

  7. KIRSTEN: Good eye, spotting the blender! My sister gave me her old blender this summer when she got some new splendor. It is an Osterizer Galaxie "Cycle Blend", with many push buttons from CHOP to LIQUIFY!
    I'm too lazy to get up right now and find a date on mine, but I see them online listed as being from the 1970s.

    LINDA SUE: I'm glad you caught "earth-mushroom vibe"--it's even evident in his photos I think... He really matches his astrology sign, earth Taurus.

    I am sooooo looking forward to your London trip. ..
    Blog gold!

    MS MOON: Thanks. Emmler is a shot in the arm.

    TORORO: Tiffany extends an invitation to Tororo for breakfast at her place. :) (Heh, good one.)

    GZ: Yes, three in the oven worked! I turned them midway, so they'd bake evenly, and it was no problem--good to know.
    Emmler isn't really posting online--she shows me photos on her phone. I'll let you know if/when she does. Also, she spray paints under bridges and stuff...
