Wednesday, September 28, 2022

My True Calling

Inclined Reading (w/ animal lamp)*. If only it were an Olympic sport...

From an old crochet booklet with instructions to make the Afghan throw & pillow (donated to the thrift store, of course).

Speaking of lamps, I bought the 1950s-ish one at the thrift store yesterday. Asst Man gave me half-off the $75 price. Fair enough since it'd been out for at least a week and no one had snatched it up.
I will take it to Apartment 320 (my new place) when I go home from cat-sitting on Saturday. Yay!

*But where are the bon-bons?
Perhaps not allowed? No chocolate on the crochetwork!


  1. love this illustration. says so much about the time. most likely the curtains were velvet or heavy damask to keep the heat in during the winter, lace curtains for privacy but let light in, the blue flat bowl almost looks like an ash tray but could have been for coins and straight pins and the elephant lamp --what can i say but the lamp is cool.

    the design looks almost like an early granny square (so popular in the 70's) but may be daisies made with a metal form.

    and yes, where are the chocolate bon-bons. although back then i think people tended to eat/snack between meals!!!


  2. KIRSTEN: I'm glad you enjoyed it too--I liked your closer reading of it!
