Saturday, September 24, 2022

Happy Harvest

 Sorting donated old photos at work—I can hardly believe how great this one is—and timely for 2023 autumn equinox! 

No date, but looks like early 1900s, don’t you think?


  1. WOW what a find!!! How about that kid's corn necklace- he is pretty pleased about it. I'd be a disaster in that shop! To much cool stuff.

  2. i love this photo!!! most likely was a photographers studio and their idea of how to represent the fall.


  3. LINDA SUE: I know! The kid with the corn looks so pleased!
    And Little Sister has that tentative "I have been told to do this thing" look of small children.
    The thrift store doesn't actually have a whole lotta super cool stuff... not that much more than what I post--a small trickle...

    KIRSTEN: I love it too. Yes, if I'd photographed the whole thing, it'd be clear you're right--it's a photography studio card.
