Friday, September 23, 2022

Calendar? Girlettes' Fall Equinox: Apples & Honey

Will anyone be wanting another Girlette Calendar?
I wasn't sure I would, having made them two years in a row, but as the calendar-making time approaches, I do!

The computer volunteer at the store, Totter, recovered my photos from my almost-dead old laptop--now I can put together one for 2023.
I contacted the printer and their calendar price has gone up to $19 each (that's the discount price, if I order ten or more), so each would be about $25 with shipping...

No need to commit now. I'll put the calendar together in the next month or so and post the results and people can order one if they want.

Apples & Honey are for Rosh Hashanah (this Sunday), but the girlettes were eager to celebrate fall (they like their fall clothes best), so they transported the tradition to last night's autumn equinox.
Also, they were sooooo eager to use the tiny forks I borrowed from the store for the event.
The apples are from the farmers market I bike past on my way home--some Urban Farm project for youth.

May you have a happy and sweet season!


  1. Would it still be 25$ to us here?

    Lovely apples and honey..good celebrations

  2. YES PLEASE if you have the energy to put another calendar together I will be overjoyed to buy one!! I love the ones that I do have, they are not recycles they are kept . I love them so much!

  3. I would love one and am willing to pay the cost of sending one here.

  4. Oh, wait, cancel that. most things from Amazon or eBay have astronomical delivery costs now, so, no thanks.

  5. GZ: Yikes. It's $14 to mail from USA to Europe.
    Sadly, the calendar would cost the $16 cost to print + $14 postage = $40.

    RIVER: Yes, sadly it's even more to ship to Australia.

    LINDA SUE: Got ya down.
