Monday, August 15, 2022

Pirouette & Pears (pink & green)

 One panel of this fringed green curtain was in textile recycling at work—I brought it home for Dolls Summer Dream but realized that cut in two, it made wonderful half-panel privacy curtains for my first- floor living-room windows, which look directly onto the sidewalk. 

Also, they pair with pink, this summer’s dolls’ color scheme…๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜„


  1. Fabulous colors! wonderful- you are a designer and a magnificent one at that! You could be famous, you realize! This is a glorious photo!

  2. Also just catching up with your posts, all of them thought provoking, I have to sit on them for awhile...

  3. lovely composition and the colors are great together! that green is one of my favorites of the greens.

