Saturday, July 2, 2022


Warning: I think I will be blogging boring details about home furnishings for a while… 

I worked today and didn’t get much unpacked at my new place. I’m not sure where I want what, or if I want it. Everything’s been so cluttered the past three years—from the house I rented space in to the history we’re living through. Empty rooms are a relief.

I did set up my orange tile table in the kitchen and my folding screen (Chinese? from the thrift store years ago) in the living room windows to partially block the bright afternoon sun. 

In winter the sun will be wonderful, but in July it’s too hot.

The landlord doesn’t want anything drilled or hammered into wood, so I’m not sure how I could hang curtains. Ideas? Maybe mount the brackets in the walls?

I also brought home a gray carpet runner for the kitchen—I don’t much care for the brown & tan kitchen linoleum. This is nicer and will protect the floor—it’s for wet places like entryways and kitchens.

Another addition: I brought the birch canister (on the room divider to the left) home today from the thrift store. It’s from Russia but looks like it could be Minnesotan. I especially love its lid—I set it separately to the right to show off its arched handle. It reminds me of Eero Saarinen’s arched gateway in St Louis.

I don’t have internet here. I’m blogging on my phone—not my favorite thing but I don’t want to pay for internet, now my rent is so high. I’ll see how it goes…. 

I hope you are all enjoying your own home furnishings! 😄


  1. I think the last time I moved, it was several weeks before I really started unpacking! Moving 1300 miles in the time of covid was so stressful, I just let it all sit there.

    Tension curtain rods. They will fit inside the windows closer to the class so that the blinds are showing inside. I have several on my windows with polyester lace curtains on them as privacy shields.

    I have similar blinds and like to turn them so the blind is facing up which aims the light toward the ceiling. And sometimes after opening them, I will run my hand up so that the majority of the lower ones are closed letting light in at the top.


    1. Bless you, Kirsten!!!! Tension rods! Yes, why didn’t I think of that? The tension of moving is fuzzing my brain maybe. Or, I’m just not used to thinking of home accoutrements!
