Monday, July 11, 2022

Inadvertently Fashionable

I was invited to a swank do at a museum of modern art this past weekend, for the birthday of a cat-sitting client.

I hardly ever go to events that require nice clothes--especially since Covid--and I don't own clothes I haven't worn to the thrift store many, many times. Working at a thrift store, I could easily buy clothes without rips and stains, but I hate shopping for them.
Luckily, the day before the party I found a pencil skirt I genuinely like, originally from Talbots (79).
Our price, 4. It seemed unworn.

I was biking (the skirt has a slit in the back so I could hike it up to pedal), and I didn't want to bother changing into fashionable shoes (not that I have those either). I wore New Balance flats.
Not fashionable, no. But...
I carried a bag that had been Auntie Vi's, and it turned out that its mustard and slate colors are in. (Vi liked fresh fashions. I wish I could send this photo to her. But she's still dead! I hate that.)

I'd chosen well too though, with my sky blue eyeglasses. And my cloud-colored hair!

As I'd expected, I didn't know anyone at the party aside from my cat contacts. I went up to a young couple whose drinks were garnished with orange slices, maraschino cherries, and wedges of lime, and asked them what they'd ordered to get all that fruit.

"Fake drinks," they said. "It's fruit juice."

I was drinking Chardonnay. They don't give you fruit with that.
It was an open bar, and there were lots and lots of nice things to eat too. I'd foolishly eaten beforehand--a big bowl of Cheerios with banana. [eye roll]

The couple was friendly, and we chatted for quite a while. Both were
percussionists who taught marching band part-time, and it turned out that, like me, they'd both studied Classics.

We talked about how drums were the first instruments, you can tap a rhythm on anything, and how marching bands could exist after an apocalypse
even if the brass instruments melted down because drums and pipes are easy to make from natural materials--including your body.
It was fun talking to them--so different from my coworkes. It was like playing an unexpected game of badminton after being used to tackle football.


  1. well, you pulled that off nicely. I am "dress" challenged, I can not seem to put together a "decent" "normal" outfit together. I LOVE the bag too!I can do bags pretty well , but the other stuff baffles me. I have clown aesthetic.

  2. sometimes it's nice to be thrown out of our comfort zone especially to what sounds like a nice party. Free food and booze -- who can turn that down.

    My neighbor upstairs boyfriend plays drums so he had me play one day. I could really get into playing drums as that was a dream in high school to do so.


  3. LINDA SUE: But you look good in everything!
    Clown aesthetics. LOL. I love that

    KIRSTEN: I wish I'd been hungrier!
