Friday, February 25, 2022

Replacement Moose

 I saw this sign in the neighborhood where I'm house/cat sitting:

LOST Stuffed Animal Moose
Name: Pearl

Thought I'd keep an eye out for a donated stuffed moose at work.
They're not common, but on Wednesday a toy wood moose came in, which wanted to play...

 I got off the bus a mile before my stop, so I could drop the moose off at the door. It was mid-afternoon, about the time school gets out.

I walked on, and after I'd passed the intersection, I saw a little girl in a pink coat and her mother cross the street, heading toward the house.
I didn't want to stand and stare, so I walked on a bit, then turned back just in time to see them walking into the house.

I'm sorry I missed seeing them react to the moose, but I was happy to see the girl was about the age of Penny Cooper.

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