Monday, September 6, 2021

What Bear Is Reading

This bear on my desk is a wind-up toy bink gave me (from her 1960s childhood).
Here's a 4-second video of Bear in action, reading to the others.
I think it makes up new stories to go with the pictures every time.

I get an error message... Is it playing for you? If not, you can watch it here on my Instagram.)

You can see Squash the Squirrel and Hana, the gofun doll.


  1. It played for me, so cute Bear is a speed reader :)

  2. Thanks for letting me know it played.

  3. It played for me too... and looks great full size (vs. instagram square).

    I agree that Bear makes up a different story to go with the pictures each time. Bear is very clever.

  4. BINK: Oh, good--don;t know why it won't play for me. You know Bear best--so I trust that EVERY DAY for 60-some years there's been a NEW STORY!!!
